Monday, January 12, 2015

A Bit Surprised

At -5 degrees I expected 'Jelena's already opened flowers to be cooked and finished for the year. I was a bit surprised to see them opening back up today. The native Witch Hazel, Hamamelis virginiana, that starts blooming in late October was in full bloom when one of the first snows came along and that was that. It was all over.

Maybe these late winter bloomers have more anti-freeze.

The flowers are more open today than they were yesterday. They are not quite as full as before the deep cold arrived, but they are still here and may surprise me with full frilly if the sun should decide to come out.

It was pouring rain when I came home and pouring when I was driven home from work. There are a couple more days of cold wet goo in the forecast before the sun comes back.

The baby evergreens of the under garden stand out in the now snowless barren. A garden slowly grows.


Lola said...

It does take time. Rain here too.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

My Jelena is doing nothing this year. Lazy girl.

Christopher C. NC said...

We have pea soup fog this morning Lola.

Lisa I have noticed a lot of blooming trees and shrubs come from the nursery with blooms, may bloom a bit the second year and then nothing for a couple of years until they mature.

Sallysmom said...

I've got one daffodil trying to open. It is expected to be cloudy and drizzling today and cloudy tomorrow. I will see if it can gather enough together to open.