Sunday, March 1, 2015

As The Snow Melts

Miss Dinah marches home. The other two creatures joined us for the walk over. She settled right in and after a long visit we left her there with her mama. Back to the other routine.

Some of the snowdrops were completely uncovered by the middle of the day.

Ready to open to full bloom at a moments notice.

'Arnold's Promise' keeps on blooming.

As the snow melts
March might be under there some where and ready to come out.


Lola said...

It's good Miss Dinah is at home with her mama. Melt may come soon.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Good for Miss Dinah. I am hopeful that our garden will emerge from under the snow this week. How exciting to see your snowdrops. My poor Diana hasn't unfurled as yet.

Christopher C. NC said...

Lola it always surprises me how easy it is to move Miss Dinah back and forth with no drama.

Lisa we had a good melt yesterday and last night with some rain. It's almost gone, but there is snow in the forecast for Thursday. At least it is showing it warming right back up afterwards. I think my 'Diane's got a little nipped, but they are still blooming.