Tuesday, July 21, 2015

In A Wild Meadow

It is easier to overlook the mess when there is a lot of bloom happening.

The sunny utility meadow is the tidiest it has ever been. That tidy has made for more bloom. So have all the new day lilies Bulbarella has been planting.

My maintenance gardener eye never rests. It is already plotting next year's editing for more definition and more flowers.

This is probably the prettiest strawberry patch you have ever seen. Well I want it back. All those flowers belong in the meadow department one row over. It is going to take some major editing to get them to move. Maybe some dung will help.

Even the daylily department isn't chaos free. My editing has at least made it prettier.

The sunflowers I don't plant are blooming. It would be fine if they wandered off into the meadow, but they pretty much need the soil in the vegetable garden to grow like this.

I got one lemon yellow one this year. I keep contemplating adding some of the red and orange ones.

It is easier to overlook the mess when there are giant lilies blooming.

The service entrance is looking very inviting right now.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Yes, the service entrance is looking very inviting.

Sallysmom said...

How on earth does Bulbarella keep up with the ones she purchased?

Christopher C. NC said...

It smells nice too Lisa.

Sallysmom I don't know how you define keeping up, but Bulbarella plants things and hopes for the best. She is not and never will be even a C grade maintenance gardener. I have been a salvation for much of her garden and I have trouble keeping up with three acres while working six days a week.

Lola said...

Pen $ paper I'm sure. love that service entrance.

Sallysmom said...

I don't know how she keeps track of the names of all those daylilies.

Christopher C. NC said...

Lola it is the first time in three years the lilies have bloomed.

Sallysmom she doesn't keep track of the names. "It's pretty. I don't have that one." That is all that matters. They do get planted with the name tags, but those wander off quite regularly.